In unserer Samenkorn-Buchreihe thematisieren und behandeln wir die unterschiedlichsten Themen in kleinen dünneren Büchern, ähnlich wie gedruckte Predigten in Buchform. Es werden mit der Zeit immer mehr dazukommen, daher ist es eine "Reihe", sodass ihr immer wieder neue "Predigten" finden und für euer Leben nutzen könnt. Die Reihe ist nur über Amazon und sowohl als Buch als auch als Ebook erhältlich und die Bücher haben meist unter 100 Buchseiten mit kleinem Preis.
In our seed book series, we address and treat a wide variety of topics in small thinner books, similar to printed sermons in book form. More and more will be added over time, so it's a "series" so you can always find new "sermons" and use them for your life. The series is only available through Amazon and in both book and ebook form and the books are mostly under 100 book pages with a small price tag.
In our seed book series, we address and treat a wide variety of topics in small thinner books, similar to printed sermons in book form. More and more will be added over time, so it's a "series" so you can always find new "sermons" and use them for your life. The series is only available through Amazon and in both book and ebook form and the books are mostly under 100 book pages with a small price tag.
Deutsch = 19.März 2021
English = April 14, 2021:

Band 1: "Segnen statt Fluchen: Die Waffe des Messias für ewigen Segen"
Volume 1: "Blessing instead of Cursing: The Messiah´s Weapon for eternal Blessing"
Band 2: "Die 12 Gnaden Gottes für das Leben"
Volume 2: "God´s 12 Graces for Life"

Not Angels, but Graces ...
When good things happen to a person, when he/she was saved from a misfortune, when he/she escaped unhurt in an accident, then people often speak of a guardian angel who protected them. Angels are the symbol of heaven and God. They bring people into contact with heaven. But too often people prefer to thank the angels rather than God.
Angels are messengers of God, they are there as servants of God, as forces against dark powers. They live and work solely and exclusively for the glory of God. They are not distracted by work, hobbies or other things as we humans are. They are exclusively focused on God and the mission that the special angel has received from Him.
Angels do not want thanks. Not for themselves. They want us to give thanks to God, because everything comes from Him alone. All salvation comes from Him. If people were saved from a serious accident, it was God. It is possible that He sent an angel to protect one. Angels, like us humans, act as instruments for the glory of God, to be able to bring about this or that. And yet, the angel does not want thanks. Rather, one should thank God and give Him the glory alone.
Angels, however, are higher beings, perfect beings who have never sinned. They carry out orders of God and can help us humans. But their help and power does not come from themselves. It comes from God. Therefore, if we want to give thanks, we should not give it to a creature of God, but to God, the Creator. The angel is also just a creature that came from the hand of God. The angel does only what God tells Him to do. His will is conformed to the will of God. We must keep this in mind.
In this sense, it is advisable if we do not pay homage to angels, but rather give thanks to the graces of God, which God always grants us and blesses us with. We should ask for graces from God and not - as many spiritual books think - thank the angels and ask from them. Such books are about wishing each other "the angel of light" or "the angel of love" or the like. Here people call unsuspectingly angels, which do not exist so and which are only graces of God and no beings for invocation, because only God alone may and should be called.
In this book you will come to know God´s 12 Graces for Life which you need to ask for at the throne of grace that you will become more and more like His Son.