Achtsamkeit für Gläubige || Mindfulness for Believers
Mit einem achtsameren und bewussteren und dankbareren Leben zu einer tieferen Beziehung zu sich selbst und Gott.
With a more mindful and aware and grateful life to a deeper relationship with yourself and God [English version below the German one].

The first diary for more mindfulness and gratitude especially for believers.
Mindfulness and gratitude are becoming more and more popular today. Thus, more and more mindfulness and gratitude diaries fill the shelves in bookstores and talk about "doing more for yourself", "doing more of what makes you happy" or "holding your happiness in your own hands".
A person who believes in God, however, is not his own master; he does not live to make himself more and more happy, but God. This person does not hold his "happiness" in his own hands. A believer places his life entirely in the hands of God, who in turn grants blessings and grace, not happiness, to that person. And this believer seeks first and foremost to make God happy and to do His will, so that God in turn will make this person equally happy with His grace and blessings.
Yet nowhere on the market has such a journal for greater self-care for believers been released.
With this new mindfulness and gratitude diary especially for believers in God, the aim is to give you the opportunity to be more concerned with yourself, to be good to yourself and to write down your spiritual progress in your life with God. In addition to loving your neighbor, loving yourself is just as much a focus of faith, because as the saying goes, "You can't draw from an empty well." He who is not there for himself and cares for himself can give nothing more, he is empty, he is drained. And then it is too late. Through timely self-care, this can be prevented, which is definitely in the mind of God.
This diary keeps the same questions for 73 days and extends over three book pages per day for a comprehensive and optimal logging of your progress, your self-care, your gratitude to God.
Photos from the book: